Teens Conference | AFC in Canada
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AFC - Teens Conference

Juniors - March 10-11, 2025
Seniors - March 12-13, 2025

Registration CLOSED!

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TC25 is hosted by
Richmond Hill Christian Community Church

9670 Bayview Avenue.
Richmond Hill
ON L4C 9X9

About Teens Conference

AFC's Teens Conference is an annual March Break Youth Conference to engage the next generation of students in Canada. Every year has brought over 400 middle to high school students from all across Ontario to experience and encounter the person and message of Jesus in our ever-changing world. Over the last 50 years, Teens Conference has inspired, mobilized, equipped and connected students and leaders alike to live out their calling in all aspects of their lives. 

Our Mission and Vision

Since 1971, Ambassadors for Christ (AFC) in Canada has hosted Teens Conference (TC) in partnership with local Chinese churches across Ontario. Core to its mandate, TC challenges youth to integrate their faith with their everyday lives, not only as individuals but in the context of the community. Moreover, TC has served as a space for youth to invite their friends to encounter Christ for the first time. Through inspiring workshops, keynote speakers, and unique opportunities to serve, TC is a unique space of leadership development for young people. Fuelled by the passionate dedication and faithfulness of hundreds of volunteers spanning all generations, TC is a distinct space for youth to be mentored and stretched in their unique talents and gifts. Whether a participant or volunteer, it is our desire that each person who takes part in Teens Conference will personally experience and encounter our living God. 


Our Core Values

"Come and See"

For unchurched youth, TC is an invitation to Come and See what Jesus is all about. For those with church experience, TC offers a broader picture of what walking, growing, and multiplying our faith could look like. 

"Imitate us, as we imitate Christ"

For student volunteers, this is a unique opportunity to be mentored and discipled by older believers. Additionally, they will form lasting friendships and communities. 

Kingdom Partnership

Core to AFC is our desire to partner with like-hearted Kingdom partners. From churches to other mission organizations, we work with others to cultivate God’s peace in this world. 

Wonderfully Made

We believe that God has created us as Asian believers – in our bodies, in our context, with a distinct purpose. Collectively, we seek to help youth discover the call that God has given to us as bi-cultural Christians.

Teens Conference 2025:
Be Bold

In today's world, it takes courage to follow Jesus. When it's more comfortable to remain silent, it takes courage to share your faith. When it's easier to be apathetic, it takes courage to care deeply about the state of God's world. It takes courage to live set apart. It takes courage to ask hard questions. It takes courage to ask for help. It takes courage to hold space for the unknown - when life and faith don't seem to make any sense. It takes courage to follow Jesus. But courage isn't found in isolation; it is found together. 


As Asian-Canadian Christians, we are the product of the faithfulness of those who have come before us. Though our forebears often faced racism, discrimination, and many other hardships when they moved to Canada, they found courage when they pursued Jesus together. Through following Jesus, our ancestors found courage to be who God created them to be. Following Jesus is so much more than saying a "sinner's prayer" and going to church on Sundays. To follow Jesus means to embrace the things that Jesus did: loving God and loving our neighbours. And let's be honest - to love like Jesus takes a lot of courage; especially when loving others may challenge our preconceived notions of who deserves to be loved and included. That's why we need each other.


So join us at TC2025 where we will come together to cultivate communities of courageous youth, compelled by Jesus' love, for the flourishing of all.

What people say about Teens Conference

"TC 2024 made me feel alive. I realized how much God actually cares about me. TC 2024 helped me grow closer to God and want to share his Word and my testimony."

- Sophia, Grade 9

"I realized you're blessed even when you don't think you are. It showed me how to be bold about my faith and serve more in ministry."

- Ava, Grade 11

"One of the team captains shared their testimony, and it hit me really hard. Their courage and vulnerability inspired me to get baptized. I learned that God works through the highs and lows in life. TC helped me realize that God can make me brave, and that I belong in the family of God."

- Tim, Grade 10

Thanks to our 2025 Sponsors!


Teens Conference 2025, a Ministry of AFC in Canada

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