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The Year of Jubilee: AFC's 50th Is Upon Us!

In Leviticus 25, the Lord instructs the Israelites to “sanctify the 50th year, make it a holy year. Proclaim freedom all over the land to everyone who lives in it — a Jubilee for you.” Historically, the Year of Jubilee was a year of rest, restoration, and renewal. The 50th year was of particular importance, as captives were freed, the weary could rest, and the earth was replenished.

As we celebrate the last 50 years, we are also asking: “What do you have in store for the next 50 years?” We choose to mark this momentous year by celebrating the legacy of faithful obedience of those who have gone before us while looking ahead to the next 50 years.

As a community seeking to serve the Chinese diaspora, our 50th year will be a year of recommitment to the values that were the foundation of AFC’s legacy:

  1. Thoughtful Scriptural reflection

  2. Contextualized missional engagement

  3. Innovative pathways for student growth

  4. Deep spiritual formation

  5. Loving hospitality

There is no denying that the world has changed dramatically in the last 50 years. While we hold to these fundamental values, we recognize student ministry looks very different today with the unique challenges and gifts that the current generation offers.

As we look forward, we ask the Lord with hearts filled with eager anticipation:

  • What new dreams do you have in store for us?

  • What new adventures await?

  • What new risks must we take?

  • What must we learn to serve this next generation well?

  • Who are the weary that need rest?

  • Who are the captives that need to experience gospel liberation?

Authentic communities of students encountering Jesus together are powerful witnesses to the world. It means so much to know that you keep AFC in your hearts and prayers. Thank you for walking alongside us in this renewing work.

Teens Conference 2022: ONE, So the World Will Know

For the first time in two years, we are hosting an in-person experience followed by an online conference. Within a week of registration opening, we reached capacity for our in-person conference, demonstrating a hunger and excitement amongst teens for an embodied experience of fellowship.

Within these past 2 years, our churches, schools, and communities have had to learn new ways of ‘being’ and ‘doing.’ Even how we interact with our family and friends has dramatically changed. At a time in which our society and culture are changing and adjusting at a breakneck pace, we can often feel restless and confused. Moreover, as the discourse around such changes becomes increasingly divided and hostile, it can feel like the fractures, even within our faith communities, can run deep.

This year's theme is based on Jesus’ high priestly prayer in John 17:20-26. I love how it communicates the heart of Jesus’ prayer:

“I’m praying…for those who will believe in Me…for all of them to become ONE heart and mind — just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, so they might be ONE heart and mind with Us. Then the world might believe that You, in fact, sent Me” John 17:20-21 MSG

Imagine the power that our ONEness of heart and mind would be in a world divided by our tribal, political, social, and cultural positions. We are all part of God’s story: not just AFC's story, not just TC's story, but the grand story of His love "before the world's foundation" (Eph 1:4 MSG). What a rich legacy and heritage that we have been given to steward! We stand on the shoulders of generations of faithful women and men who have sought to embrace and embody what it means to be ONE in our fractured world.

Our prayer is that as we head into AFC’s 50th year, we will bear witness to the unity exemplified in previous generations of students. May we continue to be an answer to Jesus' prayer as we gather around Jesus as ONE, and encounter him together.

Pray With Us

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matt 9:37-38)

I wonder what Jesus might feel if he were to step into our high schools and universities today? Students are facing many challenges: from social isolation to an unprecedented mental health crisis, and an uncertain economic future. I do not doubt that Jesus would have compassion for the students today.

Would you join us in asking the Lord of the harvest to raise workers for his field? As we continue God’s work amongst students in Canada today we are trusting God to bring the right people into AFC as we move towards the future.

We are trusting God for four interns to join us in a year-long internship (May 2022 to May 2023) to further the work that God is doing. Interns will have opportunities to be challenged in their faith, grow as leaders, and make a meaningful difference in the lives of students. We are looking for young people with a passion for student ministry, a gift for graphic design, expertise in communications, and all in all who desire to help students encounter Jesus. To find out more about the internship opportunity, visit our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram), or our website at

Thank you for supporting AFC’s Internship Initiative at the end of 2021. Through your generosity, we saw nearly 60% of our overall financial goal ($40,000). Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us in prayer and finances as we trust God to provide the remaining $16,000 to subsidize this year’s AFC’s Internship Initiative?

Thank You

I marvel at the faithfulness of God over the last 50 years. He has been faithful to the AFC community — our partners, staff, and students — over all these decades. Your continued partnership in the gospel is a blessing. You truly are a gift to us, thank you so much.

With gratitude,

Darren Lung

Executive Director



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