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The Other Side

Sharing from Michael Quach, AFC Ministry Intern 2020-2021

Prior to my start as a ministry intern at AFC in September, God had been personally challenging me and cultivating within me a heart for full-time missions. God had convicted me to take a big step of faith, from working a decade in the tech industry to walking with Him into the unknown.

Outside of AFC's office

Currently, I’m in the 7th month of my internship with 2 months remaining. It has definitely been an eye-opening and rewarding experience. Previously, I have had experiences in serving students through my local church and TC; however, I soon came to realize how much more full-time ministry entails.

My biggest struggle entering into full-time ministry was having to come to terms with my understanding of my identity in Christ. To be clear, I was not struggling with the belief that I am saved and a Christian. Rather my struggle was with coming to terms with certain areas in my life that God had revealed to me. I was subconsciously holding on to certain “idols''. Being a son of Asian non-Christian parents, I wrestled with the idols of approval, success, and security, and with even personally feeling adequate for this calling.

It was through the internship program God revealed these things and opened up my eyes. Through my internship, I learned to have a greater reliance on God, who is my everything. On-campus student ministry within a parachurch organization is a different experience compared to student ministry in a church setting. Not only have I been navigating through what student ministry looks like in a pandemic, but there have been more opportunities to be intentional with equipping missional students in living out a life for Jesus and walking alongside them. This has resulted in greater openness in conversation which is something that seems difficult to achieve through official church programs at this time.

Through these opportunities such as walking alongside the leaders and students of fellowships, speaking at workshops, leading bible studies, and living life with the students, I have found that Jesus’ words in John 4:34 truly resonates with me. He says, My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work. It has truly been rewarding to see God work in the lives of the students as well as mine in many ways.



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