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Letty Wong named Interim Director of Ministry

Ambassadors For Christ (“AFC”) In Canada announced today Dr. John Chin’s early retirement from his post, effective June 1st, 2020, and entering into a transition period while waiting upon the Lord for a new Executive Director. The search has been in progress since the last press release. 

“We are confident God has a future leader in mind for our organization, but we also believe He desires us to continue to move forward and further His ministry during this time”, said Abraham Wong, Chairman of the Board of Directors. “We felt it is prudent, therefore, to appoint a ministry leader and provide a clear ministry direction for our staff, partners and supporters during this time.”

AFC today announced Letty Wong has been named the Interim Director of Ministry to lead the charge, with Elizabeth Lynn continuing to be our Administration Manager in support of Letty, effective immediately. Both of them will report directly to the Chairman of the Board, in the absence of an Executive Director, for this interim period. 

“Letty’s most recent role as Project Manager has prepared her well for this new responsibility. She has led the re-imagining of Teens Conference during the COVID-19 lock down, and doing the same for Campus Challenge 2020. We are certain she will lead the team well in this new post.”

Since 1972, Ambassadors For Christ (AFC) in Canada has been committed to be a part of God’s work in the worldwide evangelical student movement. 

Contact info

Contact Person: Letty Wong 

Organization: Ambassadors For Christ In Canada

Organization URL: 

Address: 70 Gibson Dr Unit 12, Markham, ON L3R 4C2

Phone: (905) 513-0713



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