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From the Desk of the ED (October 2019)

2019 summer passed away quickly. The colourful and pictorial Canadian Fall is ushering in. The magnificent colour changes reminded me of my time spent as a youth in Montreal and the teachings given by AFC founder, Rev. Stephen Knights, at the one and only Montreal Chinese Presbyterian Church.  To date I have worked one complete year at AFC. Praise be to God for His faithfulness in causing hundreds of volunteers in helping our staff to fully execute ministry events: Teens Conference, Campus Challenge, Transition 101, and Frosh ConneXion. The seeds were sowed in the hearts of many students who attended these annual programs. AFC is praying that these seeds may be irrigated and nurtured by churches, CCFs and, ACFs. Ultimately may God do the harvesting, and all glory be unto Him. 


AFC has experienced the blessings from above over the last few months. The Lord provided staff and board members a time of retreat, though short but very refreshing. Our Task Force has deliberated major recommendations directing AFC vision and mission in the months to come. The board of AFC has been making major decisions to lay the path for key goals to be implemented in 2020, including a fund-raising endeavour. 

The Lord has led Ms. Letty Wong back to AFC in September, as Project Manager, overseeing all AFC annual events from planning to execution. This would allow our campus ministry staff to focus on serving student leaders and believers in CCFs and ACFs across southern Ontario. AFC is actively recruiting workers to supplement our ministries on campuses. Please pray to the Lord of harvest to send us new campus ministry workers to fulfill the Great Commission.

Serving our Creator God by walking alongside historically the Chinese Christian students would inevitably arouse our deep roots that direct us to the current unrest situation in Hong Kong. May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ transcend all understanding during this uneasy time.

Finally, but not least, the financial burden experienced by AFC has not been lessened since my last newsletter. It is estimated that by the end of 2019, we may incur a deficit of $110,000. My earnest prayer is that all AFC supporters and churches would remember the need of our staff and field workers. May our God, who is faithful and merciful, bless all our partners and supporters that pray and give financially to AFC’s causes. Amen. 

His servant, 

John Chin 



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