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An Invitation to Partnership - Mid-year 2022 Financial Update

For 50 years, AFC in Canada has played an important role in the spiritual growth and development of many young people — but we have never done it alone.

Together, in partnership with local churches and generous individuals like you, we have seen countless lives transformed! Whether it is through powerful events like Teens Conference, authentic communities like CCFs, or the deep mentorship that students have received through our staff and volunteers — your partnership has left an indelible mark on the lives of so many future leaders.

As I reflect on AFC’s story, I realize that AFC’s story is truly about God’s people coming together. Our story is about us working together so that more future leaders can encounter Jesus. Our story is also your story — a continual story of God’s faithfulness, provision, generosity, care, and love.


As we approach the Midpoint of 2022

I want to give you a financial update and invite you to continue partnering with us. This invitation to partnership is to help more students find healing, wholeness, and renewal as they encounter and fully follow Jesus. We are a community of deep faith and wide embrace, and we are inviting you to continue being a part of God’s kingdom work.

At the moment, AFC is currently facing a $62,000 deficit. We know this pandemic and the recent changes in the economy have been challenging for many of us. We understand, but together let us do more. I invite you to pray and consider investing in our future leaders through prayer and financial partnership.

If you sense God may be inviting you into deeper partnership with us, here are the next steps to consider:

Would you consider the following...

One Time Gift

You can do this through our website today. Would you consider a one-time gift of $250, $500, or $1000 – or however much God prompts you to give?

Monthly Partnership

Grow Your Generosity

CONSIDER THIS if 40 people committed to partnership at $125/month, our deficit would be nearly covered. Or if 70 people committed to a partnership of $75/month, our goal would be reached!

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us on a monthly financial basis based on God’s leading, big or small?

Over the last 50 years, God has never failed to provide. As we look ahead to the next 50 years, we will trust God for his provision. As we link arms with you and with our local churches, together we look forward to the day when every student will have the opportunity to experience the peace of God.

His work continues - Keep on reading to see how your Partnership is making a difference in the lives of students today!


Teens Conference 2022: In-Person Experience

Your prayers and partnership have enabled nearly 300 participants to experience their first In-Person TC since 2019!

This year’s theme, ONE: So that the World Will Know, was rooted in Jesus’ prayer from John 17 — that we would be ONE so that the world would know that He has been sent. Reaching maximum capacity, we were all deeply moved to be worshipping, learning, and rejoicing together once again. For many teens, this was their first in-person gathering in two years.

God moved us in profound ways through the various workshops, discussions, worship, and skits. Many students also shared how difficult the COVID pandemic has been for them:

Sarah shared that she “realized that earthly things should not be important to me, and I am learning to care more about what God thinks of me rather than what humans think.”
Stephanie shared that “during COVID, my relationship with God fell apart, so I’m glad TC brought me back to Him. After TC, I felt closer to God and began praying again."

There is no doubt the last two years have been so challenging for our young people, yet your partnership gave students like Gabriel the opportunity to reconnect with God and with others.

Gabriel shared that he “felt God’s presence as I was worshiping. I felt His comfort and peace over me. I felt like I was able to let go and surrender everything I was worried about to Jesus, and let Him be the reason I live.”

Meet the New Interns!

Throughout the year, we have been remembering Matthew 9:37-38: “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Thank you for joining us in asking the Lord of the harvest for four AFC interns this year. I’m excited to tell you that God answered that very specific prayer! All four will be with us from May 2022 to May 2023.

Renée Chung

I recently graduated from the University of Guelph and studied in the Child, Youth and Family program. One thing I hope God will do during my internship is to open and mould my heart to listen to where He is calling me to support students in their faith and the struggles of being a Christian student.

Brandon Ting

I studied philosophy and the history of religions at UofT Mississauga. During the internship, I hope that God will grow my gifts and affirm my calling while also giving me multiple opportunities to serve and disciple students across the GTA in the way of Jesus!

Hayley Choi

I studied at George Brown College in Downtown Toronto and the program I studied was Baking and Pastry Arts Management. Through this internship, I hope I can see the path that God has laid out before me more clearly.

Benjamin Ding

I studied Chemistry Major and Double Minors in Mathematics and Biology at the University of Toronto. I hope that God provides clarity about my long-term ministry calling during this internship.

During their year-long commitment, Brandon, Renee, Hayley, and Ben will be mentored, participate in dynamic ministry, grow spiritually, and develop in leadership. Your financial partnership enables us to invest directly into their growth and development. They will work on different high school and university campuses, building into the next generation of student leaders. When I imagine the ripple effects that these four interns will have, I stand amazed at how much God can do through a life surrendered to him.

We are so grateful for you!

Once again, thank you so much for your continued support of AFC in Canada. Together, we are making a difference as we join God in his mission of renewal and restoration in this broken world. Together, we are helping the next generation experience God’s love, care, and kindness.

With a grateful heart,

Darren Lung, Executive Director



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