Step Back and Be Still

When I think back to when I first started planning for SMU this year, I expected it to be simple. I assumed things would be the same as previous years. However, I soon learned that I had forgotten the real reason and purpose behind TC. As the mentor coaches met up to discuss the plans for recruitment, unexpected suggestions were given, and changes were made to the interview process. As the planning process continued, things just didn’t seem to go “my” way. I was getting frustrated, not understanding why things weren’t going as expected. Through a conversation with a friend, I was reminded to step back and be still. This was never about “my” way, it was and has always been about His way. I realized, I didn’t have to worry about not having enough people, or that training wasn’t happening the way it should. I just had to trust His plan. He had it planned out, I just needed to be still and listen.
TC 2020 changed fast as we approached March Break with one obstacle after another, one roadblock after another. But when I was asked if we should continue, I had no hesitation in answering yes. I asked myself, “Why not?” In my mind, this ministry is the opportunity for us to reach the next generation and to show them how much our God loves each and every one of them. And simply for that reason, I believed we should not allow any obstacle to bring us down. As more cases of COVID-19 were surfacing throughout the month, more and more people started to worry and panic. The story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings kept appearing in my head. Through Elijah, God proved to everyone He was the one true God. Just as our theme #NoRival, nothing can get in His way, we serve the one true God, I had faith that we could continue because our heavenly Father is almighty and would protect us.
As I prayed for guidance for SMU this year, I was moved to focus on caring and bonding within the team more than anything else. Going online with TC Beyond, I wondered what that would mean for SMU. I questioned how I could focus on caring for the team when we wouldn’t even be meeting. We wouldn’t be able to do our normal duties, let alone spend time together. As other teams were preparing their parts to go online, I was asked what SMU could do. Amid all the uncertainty, I thought our team could only support other teams in whatever way needed and that would be it. But God had his plans for us. TC Beyond allowed SMU to be a team like we were never before. We were able to watch the worship, media pieces and listen to the sermons together, and we had the opportunity to discuss and share together as a team as well. There was no time limit or other duties we had to rush to, we were able to share with each other as long as we needed. We were able to continue our devotions together beyond TC. Through the online platform, our caring, sharing, and bonding didn’t end after the 4 days. Looking back to my goal to focus on caring and bonding with the team, God had it all planned out, He provided the opportunity for us to do that.
I am constantly reminded of God’s grace and that He is in control. I felt His presence, and His protection with us throughout the week of TC. No matter how much I had planned and how much control I want to take, if it is not God’s plan, He will ultimately take control and lead the way. I have learned through this time to peacefully accept His plan. God truly has #NoRival, He has conquered all obstacles, and has allowed TC to witness His Power and Love.