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New Executive Director of Ambassadors For Christ in Canada (AFC) 加拿大基督使者協會新任總幹事

The Board of Directors of AFC is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. John Chin to be our new Executive Director, effective September 4, 2018.

John brings to us his rich corporate and ministry leadership experience. He has worked with multi generation, ethnic and language groups in both Canada and China and has great passion for students in both countries. He holds degrees in Engineering, Law, Management and Missiology.

We are thankful to the Lord for His guidance and provision to fill this leadership position in AFC which has been vacant for a number of years. Please pray for and give John your support as he leads AFC into the future.

「加拿大基督使者 協會」董事局謹欣悅地宣佈委任陳翔生博士為新任總幹事,於2018年九月四日效。




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