AFC Newsletter November 2015
What is liberty? Read this inspiring piece by one of our student leaders. Also in this issue, AFC financial and ministry updates. Thank you again for supporting our staff and ministries!
甚麼是自由?請閱讀其中一位學生領袖的分享。今期還有「使者」的財務報告和事工分享。 多謝您支持我們的同工和事工!

Burn Brock! 燃燒吧,布魯克!
On the evening of August 21st, 2014, between the hours of 5:00-6:30pm, 4 students and I started our first Brock MCCF meeting. After we prayed the Lord’s Prayer, we prayed for Gospel on our campus together, may God’s Holy fire burn through us! “Burn Brock” was our prayer to God. After our first fellowship ended, I treated the students to dinner... (read more) 2014年8月21日5:00-6:30PM,我和四位同學開始了第一次佈魯克團契。分享了「主禱文」之後,我們一同為校園福音禱告,求神的靈火燃燒!我們在禱告中呼求:燃燒吧,布魯克! 這是我們向神的禱告。團契結束時,我請同學吃晚飯... (詳讀)

Liberty Redefined 自由的重新定義
I’m going to pitch to you that your campus is going to try to low-key turn you into the Joker. It starts with looking at what university is about. University is about a lot of things, but I’m going to focus on one huge thing about university, and that’s the independence. Independence in itself isn’t exactly a bad thing. But it can push you to be dangerously self-reliant. Here’s how. ... (read more)
現在就讓我這個政治系的書呆子,來解畫校園也可以怎樣不動聲色地轉化學子成為小丑吧!想甚麼是專上教育?大學之道其中重要的一環,就是學習自立。在大學期間,我們經過許許多多的新經歷,新責任,和作事或不作事的自由。自立本是成長,但卻可跨脫變成自負... (詳讀)

Intro to Oshawa CCF 奧沙華華人學生團契介紹
This coming November, Oshawa Chinese Christian Fellowship (OCCF) will be celebrating its third year anniversary which is truly a testament to God’s faithfulness! Three years ago, a mandarin-speaking Masters student pursuing his studies in nuclear engineering, was called by God to start a “Love Fellowship” on the UOIT/Durham College campus to care for and share the Gospel... (read more)
今年十一月,奧沙華華人學生團契(OCCF) 將會慶祝三週年紀念,這乃完全是神的信實!三年前,一個操國語修讀核工程的碩士生被神呼召在安大略理工大學 (UOIT)/ 德恒學院Durham College開辦「愛的團契」,去關懷一小捽來自中國的大學生和探訪的學者,並把福音傳給他們.. (詳讀)