Our Mission
Ambassadors For Christ (AFC) in Canada exists to continue God’s work in the worldwide evangelical student movement. In partnership with local churches, we endeavor to walk alongside students, primarily of Chinese descent, to be grounded in Scripture as faithful followers of Jesus Christ.

“What is our purpose?”
Our Vision
“What is our dream?”
Our vision is to cultivate courageous communities for the flourishing of all.

We long to see communities …
shaped by Jesus’ love, compassionately engaging in God’s mission of renewal and restoration in this world.

We long to see communities …
that honour their East Asian ethnic and cultural heritage, courageously involved in their neighbourhoods, workplaces, and churches, seeking the flourishing of all.

We long to see communities …
of students and alumni, creatively meeting the needs of their communities as they journey toward Jesus together.
It takes courage to follow Jesus.
It takes courage to imagine a different world – one in which all can experience true flourishing.
It takes courage to act on that imagination, and make a tangible difference in the world.

We know that Jesus came so that all may have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10). As AFC in Canada, we seek to cultivate communities of students, alumni, and volunteers that are courageously, compassionately, and creatively sharing the love of Jesus in meaningful and relevant ways. However, we do not do this alone. We seek to link arms with those who share a similar heartbeat and passion to enact God’s mission of renewal, restoration, and transformation in this world.

Our Values
“What is important to us?”
These are the values that undergird how we will seek to live out our mission and fulfill our God-given dream. We long to see courageous communities cultivated for the flourishing of all. Imagine a day when, as a collective, we live not only for our own good but for the good of all those around us as well. We believe that these values reflect the heart of God and the earthly ministry of Jesus. We believe that these values reflect the Great Commandments of Jesus as recorded in Matthew 22: to love God with everything we are and to love our neighbours as ourselves. We believe that to fulfill our vision, we must embody and embrace such values.

Our Practices
“What do we do?”
As we endeavor to cultivate courageous communities for the flourishing of all, we seek to develop Jesus-centred leaders through practicing …
Deep Spiritual Formation:
We help students develop transformative Christian spiritual practices (prayer, silence, Sabbath, contemplation, etc) that shape their inner being, and inform their doing, and help them move toward wholeness.
Loving Hospitality:
We are all on a journey. We seek to be a people where all are welcomed with kindness, respect, humility, and love regardless of one’s religious beliefs, ethic and cultural heritage.
Dynamic Leadership Development:
While our staff and students come from varied traditions, as an organization, we empower both women and men to serve out of their passions, giftings, and calling. We believe God made men and women equally vital to his kingdom work.
Kingdom-Oriented Partnerships:
We seek to accomplish our purpose and dream through developing partnerships of mutuality with local churches, like-minded mission organizations, communities, and individual volunteers.
Thoughtful Scriptural Reflection:
We help students honour God’s Word by equipping them with practices (IBS, DBS, lectio divina, etc) that enable them to thoughtfully engage with Scripture in nuanced and varied ways
Spirit-Led Discernment:
We seek to follow the movement of God in our individual and collective lives, as we partner with God in his mission of reconciling and healing the world around us.
Innovative Pathways for Student Growth:
We invite the Creator God to help us remain flexible, creative, and innovative in how we enact our purpose and dream. Whether it’s exciting conferences, artistic expression, or through digital mediums, we will seek to be innovative in how we live out our collective calling.