Our History
For over 50 years, Ambassadors For Christ in Canada has been ministering to students on campuses throughout Ontario, promoting fearless student witnesses, and aiming to spark a movement throughout Canada.
It began in the '60s and '70s when many Chinese overseas students flocked to Canadian universities to study. The harvest was plentiful and workers were needed for harvest in His field.

The vision of an organization ministering to the spiritual needs of these Chinese students led to the founding of Ambassadors For Christ In Canada by Rev. Stephen Knights.
In 1972, AFC was officially registered as a non-profit Christian organization with the government of Canada.
In the 80's and 90's...
During the 80's and 90's, Chinese immigration continued and many Chinese families came to Canada. The challenges of meeting the needs of the younger generation have been continually growing.
By the 90's, a national student movement was initiated in Western Canada, and AFC responded by sending staff to Vancouver where an AFC Student Ministry was started.
Under the guidance of our gracious Lord, the staff and the ministry of AFC have been continually evolving; working to be at the forefront in adapting to the changing society and cultures, connecting the campus and the church.

Our Mission

What is Ambassadors For Christ in Canada?
ADVANCE the gospel on campuses across Eastern Canada with efforts focusing on new immigrant youth and international students.
FURNISH and equip Christian students to become missional/kingdom-oriented disciples and foster missionary values among those who plan to return to their homelands.
CATALYZE Christians, churches and like-minded organizations to partner together in propagating the student Christian movement.
As part of God's historical work in the worldwide evangelical student movement, AFC, in partnership with local churches, is committed to establish, continue and propagate this mission among ethnic Chinese students in Canadian educational institutions.
While AFC believes in the autonomy of student groups, we will provide leadership, guidance and training, promote and develop students in areas of evangelism, discipleship, leadership and world mission in order to prepare them to serve effectively in local churches, communities and the world.
Together with Christians from different churches, we are committed to a united evangelistic outreach among university, college and high school students on their campuses so as to carry out the Great Commission, to preach the glorious message of Jesus Christ and the power of the gospel, and to build up the body of Christ.
Our prayer is that multitudes of students come to Christ and become missional and Kingdom-oriented disciples who intentionally passionately live and witness for Jesus in Canada and around the world.