Campus Fellowships
ACFs (Asian Christian Fellowship) or CCFs (Chinese Christian Fellowship) can be found across the different University and College campuses within Ontario. Before stepping foot onto campus this fall or if you are looking for community to be nurtured in your faith, connect and join find us!

High School Fellowships
Going into to High School for September is an exciting chapter to look forward to. If you are a high school student looking to get connected with your school's student fellowship, we invite you to join us!
For Grade 12/12+ Students
Heading off to University or College can be an exciting yet challenging experience at the same time. Frosh ConneXion provides recent High School graduates support in your journey to the next journey.
For Grade 8 Students
Heading off to High School for the first time this fall? High School can be exciting but also intimidating experience for some as you may not know what to expect. Join us at NeXus and get connected today with other Grade 9-12 students who will walk you through your transition into High School
50 Years of AFC in Canada
As AFC in Canada is entering our 50th year, we are renewing our passion and commitment to helping students, especially those of Asian-Canadian descent, encounter Jesus. Read about our mission.

Prayer Initiative
Prayer is not only one-way communication with our God, but it is a continuous act and life of submission to God. In this way, our prayer to God is a catalyst: it provokes the change not only within us but also in our actions and circumstances in our life.